We offer comprehensive development programs including bias, power, and privilege learning experiences. We conduct expert design and facilitation for customized learning and development, membership, and leadership curricula.
Informed by practice and research, we focus the strategic objectives of the system, team, or organization. Equitable and inclusive leadership is the core of effective leadership that drives business performance.

- Inclusive Leadership
- Leadership Empowerment
- Mentorship + Sponsorship
- Neuroscience of Leadership
- Trust and Candor
- Resilience and Somatics
- Mindfulness in Leadership

- Company or team vision, strategy and OKR planning
- Establishing company or leadership team values
- Team forming and team building for new or merged teams
- Psychological safety, team norms, and org/role clarity
- After action reviews/retrospectives

This modular, immersive learning experience enables the learner with self, social, and systems level awareness and management skills to address systems of oppression. Learning of this nature inspires personal action to create change.
Allyship is a skill that needs ongoing nurturing, and seeking allyship is also a skill in itself. This two part course grounds the learner in both as an ongoing process that includes conflict style awareness, bystander intervention, and self-care.
This comprehensive leadership development program empowers the leader and their surrounding ecosystem to develop a set of proven and validated “above the line” behaviors that promote equity, while mitigating reactive and biased tendencies.